Suggestions and observations on PDPM Project Management Consulting
by M. Mari Novak...
1. The KEY role of a manager is to allocate resources to project/process teams. This is little understood. Using PDPM you can understand the value of this perspective, as well as what that means for the manager. They have to understand and monitor what is going on – both for efficiency and asking the BIG questions: IS THIS GROUP PRODUCING THE RIGHT THINGS?? It also means that a supervisor/manager has to listen to the team to find out what they need.
2. There are 2 key elements to any good management oversight:
-- Are you doing things right? (efficiency)
-- Are you doing the RIGHT things? (effectiveness)
3. Very often people get into the habit of checking off a list of actions, tasks, or even deliverables….but miss the point of the overall objectives. This is a big difference between other approaches to project management, but it is a principle of ALL management. Checking off actions can take you WELL OFF THE PATH toward your goals.
4. We look at the easy and obvious instead of focusing on the objectives. How do you plan your management?
IMPORTANT | This is a crisis situation. It is not an everyday event (or something else is wrong) | Planning and focusing on the solution HALLMARK OF WELL MANAGED WORK TEAM |
NOT IMPORTANT | Unfortunately, what most people spend most of their time on – and often, as directed by their managers! | Please schedule a time when you do random emails and other tasks that don’t add to objectives –this is down time |
Determining if the deliverables that are due are done or not done, defining the key deliverables for the next couple weeks, and resolving issues that may prevent completing deliverables (meeting the objectives), keeps you focused on what is IMPORTANT.
5. USE JOB AIDS – these are self monitoring tools, and may also be checklists of steps or memory-aids. Pilots use them. Executives use them. Everyone can use them. USE THEM!! They assist with feedback so you know where you are at in comparison with your objectives!
6. Practice is part of the job…very few things are done RIGHT/PERFECTLY the first time. Presentations need to be practiced – these are performances (and a key skill in management/communications). It is not only ‘ok’ to practice….it is encouraged. This is part of clarifying expectations!!
Models are “iterative” – they have to be adapted and usually the application takes 2-3-4 attempts. No one is “born” understanding management tools and approaches!