Welcome to the Performance Driven Project Management site. This blog provides details of the PDPM method and standards for ISPI certification. Select the links below to orient through the site for FAQs:
Timm Esque of Ensemble Management Consulting (a KNO collaborator) gives a short briefing on the advantages of including your team members in setting deadlines and commitments. He has an illustrative tale of the high increases in performance that can result with proper use of this method.
Further information on the success of commitment based management at this post.
During the Performance Conference held by ISPI during April in San Francisco, there was great interest in the PDPM program underway in Northern Cyprus by both the Board of Directors and the senior leadership.
It was highlighted as an excellent example of a rigorous certification program applying the Society principles and standards, and held out as a role model for future efforts.
The PDPM Journal of Performance containing a sample of 12 project cases taken from North Cyprus is available. It shows the success of the method in a diverse selection of business and NGO applications